At Seer Green CE School, we believe that PE is central to the development of the ‘whole-person’ and we aim for pupils to have a firm understanding of physical literacy and begin to grow a lifelong participation with physical activity. We create an environment where all pupils feel valued, included, supported and appropriately challenged as they develop their physical skills through a broad and balanced range of sports and physical activities. Underpinned by our growth mindset, we want pupils to recognise their own worth so they can achieve their maximum potential, and we trust that by developing resilience, confidence and independence, whilst also learning how to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, pupils can achieve this.
Teaching and learning in PE is characterised by a broad, holistic approach and is supported by RealPE - an innovative, child-centred approach to Primary PE, which develops a range of personal, social, physical, health & fitness, cognitive and creative abilities. It is built around an inclusive skills and knowledge framework, with a clear learning journey, which allow teachers and pupils of all abilities to recognise progress and identify next steps.
Sports specialists also support the delivery of the PE curriculum, ensuring all pupils have access to qualified coaches with the expertise to teach and develop skills through competitive, team and individual sports. Through this provision, children have the chance to discover and develop an interest in both traditional sports, such as (tag) rugby, basketball and tennis, whilst also accessing new, less traditional sports such as dodgeball and ultimate frisbee. Children in Years 4 and 5 also access swimming lessons at a local leisure provider.
The curriculum is enriched by a wide range of extra-curricular sporting activities, such as football, cross-country and gymnastics. These activities facilitate further practice, develop skills, raise levels of ability in individuals and develop teamwork and tactics, whilst also introducing a pathway into, not only the school teams, but also local community clubs.
The school provides opportunities for all children to take part in physically competitive activities, whether this be through intra or inter-school competition. As part of the local sports partnership, the school has access to an annual competition calendar which provides opportunity for all ages and abilities to compete, both physically and virtually, against neighbouring schools in a variety of physical sports and activities.
As part of developing pupils’ understanding of physical literacy and its wider impact on our lives, being active is encouraged across the school day. We use Teach Active to harness the benefits that come from a physically active, cross-curricular approach, helping improve attitudes and attainment in Maths and English, whilst also improving children’s health and wellbeing.
Seer Green CE pupils will:
- look forward to physical activities and feel happy and fulfilled on completion
- be committed to their learning and performance
- be resilient to setbacks and take pride in their achievements as the develop
- be able to recognise their progress and identify next steps
- understand the positive impact of being active on their physical and mental health
- have taken part in individual and team sports
- have had the opportunity to take part in physical competition against peers
- be able to swim and understand how to be safe in and around water